Benefits of Breastfeeding



母親哺乳可提供嬰兒強壯,健康生長和發育所有的營養需求和非營養成分, 同時允許母親擁有彈性的哺乳時間。即使哺乳是餵養嬰兒最自然,方便和具有成 本效益的方法之一,但它並不容易。

根據2010年澳大利亞全國嬰兒餵養調查,96%的婦女開始是以母乳餵養,經過 五個月後結束時,還有15%的嬰兒仍然是純母乳餵養。









目前母乳餵養建議 世界衛生組織和澳大利亞國家衛生和醫學研究委員會推薦新生兒在出生後的六 個月應以純母乳餵養。

在嬰兒出生後的第一年持續以母乳餵養,在6個月左右引 入固體食物並繼續以母乳餵養,如果奶水充足,則可持續以母乳餵養到兩歲以上。


母乳中發現非營養成分: 免疫因子,抗菌因子,消化酶,激素,生長因子。



脂肪 - 必需脂肪酸和不飽和脂肪酸。

碳水化合物 - 母乳的主要碳水化合物為乳糖。


母乳提 供所有必需的營養素和許多非營養成分,有助於促進嬰幼兒健康,生長和發展。 母乳不斷變化,從三個階段的母乳(初乳,過渡乳和成熟乳)直到一個單一的餵 養。


Benefits of Breastfeeding

According to the 2010 Australian National Infant Feeding Survey, 96% of women started breastfeeding, and after five months, 15% of the babies were still breastfed exclusively.

Why breastfeeding is still best?

Non-nutrients found in breast milk: immune factors, antibacterial factors, digestive enzymes, hormones, growth factors.

Essential nutrients found in breast milk.

Water, protein, vitamins, minerals, other trace elements and nutrients.

Fat-essential fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates-The main carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose.

Breast milk is a unique, complex and dynamic fluid, superior to any other form of infant milk.

Breast milk provides all the necessary nutrients and many non-nutrient components, which helps to promote the health, growth and development of infants and young children.

Breast milk is constantly changing, from three stages of breast milk (colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk) to a single feeding.

Babies change different levels of appetite and thirst throughout the day, which may affect the production and supply of breast milk.

For baby

· Breast milk is the source of antibodies and immunity. Colostrum contains antibodies, which can increase the resistance of the baby, especially to the diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive tract, such as enterovirus. In addition, the baby who drinks breast milk are less likely to have allergies.

· DHA is abundant, nutrition is rich, digestion and absorption of it are good, and it is very helpful to the retina and brain. Lactose, fat, protein, DHA, minerals and vitamins contained in human milk are most suitable for infants' needs, and are easy to digest and absorb.

· A balanced diet, with no burden on the kidneys.

· Cultivate good parent-child relationship.

· Fresh and at the right temperature.

· Best oral exercise to prevent tooth decay.

· Satisfaction and security. When breastfeeding, the mother's cuddle, caress, visual contact and voice will make the baby feel more satisfied and safer.

For mom

· Help the uterus contract after childbirth.

· Help you to slim down to your pre-pregnancy weight.

· Reduce the incidence of various diseases, such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis.

· Economical and practical. When you go out, you don't need to carry bottles and cans with you nor do you have to mix it, and you can also save a considerable amount of infant formula costs.

· Natural contraception. It can prolong the time of postpartum menstruation recovery and achieve the effect of natural contraception, but not 100%, so it is better to cooperate with other contraceptive methods when postpartum sexual life is revived.

How to promote breast milk secretion

· Increase nutrition and water intake, such as fish soup, milk and boiled water.

· Get enough sleep and rest.

· Relax.

· Eat less stimulating food.

· Increase the frequency of baby sucking (leading to more milk) or frequent pumping.

Principles of breastfeeding

· Feed as early as possible after childbirth to stimulate milk secretion.

· In general, the more babies suck and the more milk they secrete, so don't limit their sucking time. Feed them whenever they get hungry.

· Containers and hands to be in contact with breast milk must be washed clean.

· It is necessary for mothers and infants to learn and adapt to breastfeeding, so they should have patience and confidence.