Introduction of
Traditional Chinese Herbs
for Postpartum Health
Four Stages for One Month Confinement
Stage 1 (First Week) 產後第一週: 排毒淨化
Eliminate toxin and discharge of lochia 排淨惡露
Tonify Qi (energy) and nourish blood 補氣養血
Need to take traditional postpartum drink 產婦生化湯
Stage 2 (Second Week) 產後第二週: 調整恢復
Strengthen and recover energy 精力恢復
Promote lactation 增強乳汁分泌
Stage 3 (Third Week) 產後第三週: 氣血雙補
Nourish the human body and energy 體力調養
Tonify Qi (energy) and nourish blood 補氣補血
Stage 4 (Fourth Week) 產後第四週: 預防老化
Prevent aging and anti-aging 對抗老化
Benefit Qi and nourish blood 益氣養血
Introduction of Well Energy One Month Confinement Postpartum Package
Introduction of Confinement Postpartum Package
產婦首方生化湯 ( 7 Days)
Traditional Postpartum Drink
產婦坐月子滋養調理中藥膳組 (30 Days)
Postpartum Herbal Packs
產後增乳補養包 ( 7 Days)
Chinese Herbal Lactation Drink
產婦元氣飲 (14 Days)
Energy Recovery Drink
產婦活力茶 (14 Days)
Refreshing Herbal Tea
產婦首方生化湯介紹 7天份
產婦首方生化湯服用方式: 一天服用一帖,早餐後即可服用生化湯
自然產的產婦: 產後第3天開始服用,服用5至7帖至腹不痛,惡露排盡即停。
剖腹產的產婦: 產後第5~7天排氣後開始服用,服用3至5帖,惡露排盡即停。
Introduction of Traditional Postpartum Drink 7 Days
Eliminate toxin and discharge of lochia.
Promote uterine contractions.
Decocting Guide (How to cook & prepare)
Decoct one pack of Traditional Postpartum Drink daily for the first 7 days after birth.
Place all herbs into a vessel, add a bottle of rice wine water (600 cc) and soak for 30 minutes.
Decoct the soaking rice wine water with herbs by brings the mixture to the boil. Once boiling, use a low heat to decoct for 20 minutes.
Drink the whole bowl (250cc ~ 300cc).
Introduction of Traditional Postpartum Drink
Normal Spontaneous Delivery :
Drinking for 7 to 10 packs
(The first day is from 3 days after birth)
Cesarean Section :
Drinking for 5 to 7 packs
(The first day is from 5 days after birth)
Introduction of 30 Day Postpartum Herbal Care Series
1~4週的四大階段 :
Introduction of Postpartum Herbal Packs 30 Days
Day 01 to Day 07 :
Tonify Qi (Energy) and Nourish Blood.
Day 08 to Day 15 :
Strengthen and Recover Energy,
Promote Lactation.
Day 16 to Day 23 :
Nourish the Human Body and Energy.
Day 24 to Day 30 :
Prevent Aging and Anti-Aging,
Benefit Qi and Blood.
Decocting Guide (How to cook & prepare)
Decoct one pack of Postpartum Herbal Packs daily for 30 days after birth.
Place all herbs into a vessel, add a bottle of rice wine water (600 cc) and soak for 30 minutes.
It can be added some meet or seafood into the vessel.
Decoct the soaking rice wine water with herbs and food by brings the mixture to the boil. Once boiling, use a low heat to decoct for 10 minutes.
Drink the whole bowl (250cc ~ 300cc).
產後增乳補養包簡介 7天份
Introduction of Chinese Herbal Lactation Drink
Introduction of Chinese Herbal Lactation Drink
7 Days Promote Lactation.
Decocting Guide (How to cook & prepare)
Decoct one pack of Chinese Herbal Lactation Drink daily for 7 days after birth.
Place all herbs into a vessel, add a bottle of rice wine water (600 cc) and soak for 30 minutes.
Decoct the soaking rice wine water with herbs by brings the mixture to the boil. Once boiling, use a low heat to decoct for 10 minutes.
Drink the whole bowl (250cc ~ 300cc).
Introduction of Energy Recovery Drink (產後第1天至14天飲用)
Introduction of Energy Recovery Drink
(Drinking for Day 01 to Day 14 after birth)
Two packs for 14 days.
(Each pack for 7 days)
Day 01 to Day 14
Promote metabolism, recover energy.
Help sleeping, enhance physical strength.
Introduction of Refreshing Herbal Tea (產後第15天至30天飲用)
14天份 兩包裝 (每包為7天份)
Introduction of Refreshing Herbal Tea
(Drinking for Day 15 to Day 30 after birth)
Two packs for 14 days.
(Each pack for 7 days)
Day 15 to Day 30
Promote metabolism, recover energy.
Help sleeping, enhance physical strength.